Our Services
Building Your Strong Body & Wellbeing In A Safe & Efficient Way!

Combined Personalized Program
In order to give you the direction, accountability and support you need, there are a couple of different facets to this program.

Personalized Training Program
The workout program is designed specifically to achieve your personal fitness goals.

Personalized Nutrition Plan
The goal for this type of nutrition plan is to eliminate all processed foods for the majority of each week and eat “whole foods”
Combined Personalized Program
30 min Online Consultation
After receiving the completed online assessment, we conduct an online consultation, in which I get acquainted in detail with the degree of activity, your way of training, your diet, and preferences, then set and discuss specific goals.
Personalized Training Program
Designed for Gym or Home conditions, tailored to your goals, taking into account the observed results of fitness tests. * Each program also includes a component with corrective exercises.
Nutrition Plan
A balanced one-month diet plan that is fully in line with your goals, taking into account your preferences and does not exclude any food group.
Tracking Results
Weekly tracking of results and motivation. Possibility for adjustment of the program, in case of need.
E-book with recipes
Free E-book with recipes for a balanced diet (coming soon)
Video log
Free access to exercise video log (coming soon)
Standard pricing
Discounted deal
Best Deal!
Personalized Nutrition Plan for 1 month
200 BGN
30 min. Online Consultation
During the consultation I get acquainted in detail with your diet and your daily life at the moment, we discuss the issues that are important for you and indicate clearly set and time-bound goals.
Nutrition Plan
A balanced one-month diet plan that is fully in line with your goals, taking into account your preferences and does not exclude any food group.
Tracking Results
Weekly tracking of results and motivation.
E-book with recipes
Free E-book with recipes for a balanced diet (coming soon)
Personalized Training Program for 1 month
200 BGN
30 min. Online Consultation
After receiving the completed online assessment, we conduct an online consultation, in which I get acquainted in detail with the degree of activity, your way of training, then set and discuss specific goals.
Personalized Training Program
Designed for Gym or Home conditions, tailored to your goals, taking into account the observed results of fitness tests. * Each program also includes a component with corrective exercises.
Tracking results
Weekly tracking of results and motivation. Possibility for adjustment of the program, in case of need.
Video log
Free access to exercise video log (coming soon)
-Weekly distribution of workouts: represents a table describing what kind of workout is planned for each day given , which muscle group is to be targeted, cardio or day off.
-Description of the components of the training
-Dictionary of terms (Example: 1 REP max, RPE, etc.)
-Description of the exercise with a link to a video with its implementation. The number of sets, number of repetitions, tempo of movement, rest between sets are indicated.
Example: Seated Dumbbell Overhead Press sets/ reps :4×8 tempo 2: 1: 1: 1 rest: 30 sec
-Coaching tip is included where necessary
-Exercise log
The program can be prepared for fitness or home conditions, according to your preferences and is tailored to your lifestyle.
The exercises are strictly individually selected in accordance with the answers in the questionnaire you fill out and the online consultation, which we conduct upon request. In the event that after receiving the program you find an exercise that you cannot perform due to an old injury or contusion, it can always be replaced with another exercise with the same effectiveness.
Training is tailored to your level of progress, your daily routine, individual goals and your personal preferences. It could be 2 times a week up to 7 days a week. Various components could be included, such as warm-up and SMR (Self Myofascial Release), movement prep with exercises for balance, stabilization and reactive, weight training, cool down and stretching. Cardio can be performed on the same day before or after weight training, on a separate day / days of the week or could be excluded from the program. There is also the possibility of a day with HIIT training, a day for stretching and mobility or other sports such as swimming, boxing and more. The workouts could be whole body or split by muscle groups. All this is strictly individual and is determined following a detailed examination of the completed questionnaire and personal consultation (upon request).
corrective exercise program
Analysis of motion patterns
Analysis of the client's movement patterns and identification of overactive and insufficiently active muscle groups and compensations.
Specialized training program
A specialized training program that uses techniques from anatomy, kinesiology and biomechanics to deal with and fix movement compensations and imbalances, in order to improve the overall quality of movement, both during training and in everyday life. * Fitness tests are optional, some of which can be done online, while others require a personal presence. The most commonly used test is the Overhead Squat Assessment (OHSA), which is a leader in determining corrective exercises.
Other services
Building Your Strong Body & Wellbeing In A Safe & Efficient Way!
1-on-1 Training
One-оn-one training
Working with us one-on-one helps us to really figure out what works best for you. It enables us to both inform and train you on the most effective strategies for achieving your objectives.

Whether you are going to a gym or have some equipment at home and you are seeking a well-designed gym program to reach your goals, then look no further.